„Wir glauben daran, dass junge Talente die treibende Kraft für Innovation und Erfolg sind. Unsere Vision ist, jungen Nachwuchskräften die Möglichkeit zu bieten, ihre Fähigkeiten zu entfalten, zu lernen und zu wachsen.„
Du hast gerade die Schule oder das Studium abgeschlossen oder bereits erste Berufs-erfahrungen gesammelt?
SWARCO bietet viele Karrieremöglichkeiten für Nachwuchskräfte.
Unsere vielfältigen Berufsbilder reichen von IT und Technik über Produktion und Montage bis hin zu Vertrieb, Verwaltung und vielem mehr. Werde Teil unseres Teams von 5.400 Mobilitätsexpert:innen.
Als Young Professional hat man bei uns die Möglichkeit, die Karriere zu starten und die eigenen Fähigkeiten in einem dynamischen und innovativen Umfeld einzubringen.
Wir bieten jungen Talenten die Chance, von Anfang an Verantwortung zu übernehmen und sich beruflich, aber auch persönlich weiterzuentwickeln. Großer Wert wird auf Ideen, Engagement und eine Weiterbildung gelegt, um gemeinsam den Erfolg voran-zutreiben.

Erfolgsgeschichten sind bei uns keine Seltenheit.
Unsere Young Professionals stellen sich vor. Schaue vorbei!
Erfahre aus erster Hand.
Was sagen unsere Young Professionals über SWARCO?

Pascal sagt..
"Der Beginn meiner Junior Position war herausfordernd aber zugleich enorm abwechslungsreich, wodurch ich rasch einen guten Einblick in das Unternehmen bekommen habe. Mit persönlichem Engagement und Einsatz erarbeitet man sich die Anerkennung der Kolleg:innen und bekommt die Möglichkeit verantwortungsvolle Projekte zu übernehmen."
Pascal Hartl
Manager Signs / Perchtoldsdorf, Österreich
SWARCO FUTURIT Verkehrssignalsysteme Ges.m.b.H.
"Ich habe bei SWARCO Futurit mit einer Junior-Stelle begonnen und hier vor allem meine Kollegen unterstützt. Die Tätigkeiten umfassten sowohl technische als auch administrativen Aufgaben. Aufgrund der vielseitigen Themen konnte ich die Arbeitsabläufe sowie die Schnittstellen meines Teams schnell kennen lernen. Dank des Supports meiner Kollegen konnte ich mich gut einbringen und zunehmend verantwortungsvollere Aufgaben übernehmen.
Mein Team hat mich von Anfang an positiv aufgenommen und integriert, wodurch ich mich schon zu Beginn sehr wohl gefühlt habe. Auch das Arbeitsumfeld bei SWARCO bietet viele Möglichkeiten wie z. B. Flexibilität durch Homeoffice und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten. Die Arbeit an unterschiedlichen Standorten sorgt für Abwechslung und ermöglicht es mit Kolleg:innen aus anderen Bereichen auch persönlich zusammenzuarbeiten.
SWARCO bietet ein vielfältiges Angebot an Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten sowie internen und externen Fortbildungen – und das von Beginn an. Ich konnte somit frühzeitig mit internen Schulungen erste tiefere Einblicke in die Produkte von SWARCO Futurit erhalten. Auch meine Projektmanagementkenntnisse habe ich mittels externer Zertifizierung erweitert. Im Team selbst bin ich rasch aus der Junior-Position „herausgewachsen“ und konnte laufend verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeiten übernehmen.
Zu Beginn einer jeden neuen Stelle muss man sich erst einmal im Unternehmen und Team einfinden – das hat bei SWARCO Futurit sehr gut funktioniert. Eine weitere Herausforderung kann die Zusammenarbeit mit Kolleg:innen an anderen Standorten sein. Dies war zu Beginn durchaus eine Herausforderung.
Die von SWARCO definierten Werte wie beispielsweise Leidenschaft, Agilität sowie Teamwork werden von jeder einzelnen Mitarbeiterin und jedem einzelnen Mitarbeiter persönlich gelebt. Gemeinsame Mittagessen oder auch vom Unternehmen organisierte sportliche Aktivitäten (z.B. Business Run, Radrennen, etc.) fördern das Gemeinschaftsgefühl.
Aufgrund der Übernahme von einzelnen Projekten konnte ich bereits einzelne Erfolge durch positiven Projektabschluss feiern, welche das Unternehmen auch in Zukunft wettbewerbsfähig agieren lässt.
Der Beginn meiner Junior Position war herausfordernd aber zugleich enorm abwechslungsreich, wodurch ich rasch einen guten Einblick in das Unternehmen bekommen habe. Mit persönlichem Engagement und Einsatz erarbeitet man sich die Anerkennung der Kolleg:innen und bekommt die Möglichkeit verantwortungsvolle Projekte zu übernehmen."

Robyn says...
“Even after a year of working here, any member of this team will take the time to explain the minutiae of the company and accounting, so that I am able to take on new responsibilities with confidence.”
Robyn Moore
Accounts Receivable Specialist / Vista, USA
SWARCO McCain, Inc.
“Working for SWARCO McCain is my first full time job, and starting off, I was concerned about having less experience, and navigating a new work environment.
I’m very fortunate to have received such thorough and patient training before taking over the billing side of accounts receivables. Even after a year of working here, any member of this team will take the time to explain the minutiae of the company and accounting, so that I am able to take on new responsibilities with confidence.”

Nayeli says...
"The work team where I am makes it easier for me to learn because of the good environment there is. The job opportunities within the company are endless and I am very confident that they will give me this paid opportunity to continue developing professionally within Engineering."
Nayeli Zúñiga
Junior Engineer / Tijuana, Mexico
SWARCO McCain, Inc.
"My name is Nayeli Zuñiga and I am in the Cabinet Design Engineering area.
I really like the current job I have at SWARCO since it allows me to continue learning and, above all, put into practice the skills that I have acquired during my career. The work team where I am makes it easier for me to learn because of the good environment there is. The job opportunities within the company are endless and I am very confident that they will give me this paid opportunity to continue developing professionally within Engineering."

Tadej says...
“At Swarco, I've found more than just a workplace. It's a dynamic community where every day brings new challenges and opportunities for growth.”
Tadej Zupanc
Customer & Product Care Intern / Lesce, Slovenia
"At Swarco, I've found more than just a workplace. It's a dynamic community where every day brings new challenges and opportunities for growth. Over the past year and a half, I've had the privilege to be part of this team, contributing to our collective success in meaningful ways. In my role, I've taken on diverse tasks, from drawing electrical schematics to conducting product testing and crafting detailed instructions. By embracing lean thinking principles, I've developed the skills to thrive in a fast-paced work environment, keeping me motivated and eager to tackle new challenges.
In my current role as a student at Swarco, I'm already envisioning my future here, as they've offered me a position once I complete my studies. As I continue my studies in Business Systems Engineering, I'm excited about the possibilities that lie ahead, knowing that I'll be able to apply my newfound knowledge and skills to contribute even more to Swarco's success."

Francis says..
"Over the past year we have achieved extraordinary results together, precisely because swarco empowers you to give your best. I really appreciated the trust that more experienced colleagues had in us young people, I think this is the winning ingredient of the results we are achieving. Swarco is great, but all together we will make it even greater.”
Francis D'Angelo
Junior Software Developer / Turin, Italy
"My name is Francesco D'angelo and I have been part of the Swarco team for more than a year, I am a junior software developer working on public transportation fleet edges.
Joining this great family has given me the opportunity to grow and enrich myself professionally and personally. Over the past year we have achieved extraordinary results together, precisely because swarco empowers you to give your best. I really appreciated the trust that more experienced colleagues had in us young people, I think this is the winning ingredient of the results we are achieving. Swarco is great, but all together we will make it even greater."

Alessandro says..
"I felt “important” and a part of the project from the beginning. Even now, I still learn new things every day and I’m sure that this experience will help me broaden my cultural and life background."
Alessandro Grasso
Software Engineer / Turin, Italy
“My name is Alessandro Grasso and I have been working for SWARCO for almost a year.
It was easy to integrate; the working environment is excellent, and my colleagues have always been available for a discussion and help. I felt “important” and a part of the project from the beginning. Even now, I still learn new things every day and I’m sure that this experience will help me broaden my cultural and life background.”

Luka says..
“During the last 3 years, I've worked part-time as a student for SWARCO, where I have been given an excellent opportunity to learn and grow as a software engineer. What I love about my time here is that I was never stressed, while I still felt like I made valuable contributions.”
Luka Družijanić
Engineer student / Zagreb, Croatia
"My name is Luka Družijanić and I am a student at the University of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb, Croatia.
During the last 3 years, I've worked part-time as a student for SWARCO, where I have been given an excellent opportunity to learn and grow as a software engineer. What I love about my time here is that I was never stressed, while I still felt like I made valuable contributions.
I was put in a team with several seniors who provided me with invaluable guidance, always giving me help when I am stuck, but never pressuring me. At first, I was given easier tasks to get familiar with the existing codebase, such as writing tests.
Over time, as the trust between us grew, I was given more important tasks and responsibilities. I've had the privilege to work on projects that use the latest technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes, providing an ideal environment to develop my skills and keeping me engaged and excited about my work.
I look forward to spending more time with SWARCO in the future as an official employee."
Luca says..
“Every time you need some help, there is a colleague ready to support, and this is crucial mainly for young people are approaching this ITS world (...) The work is challenging, the rhythm is high and sometimes the level of stress is important, but at the end as Team we can overpass the difficulties and reach the goals.”
Luca Stragiotti
UT Engineer / Turin, Italy
"I started in Swarco in September 2021, after an internal internship and a parallel part-time position during my master thesis project, that was again a collaboration between Swarco Italia and the Politecnico of Turin (I studied Civil Eng. with the master course in Transportation Engineering).
So, after this first 9 months finally I joined the Swarco Italia family, and starting from the beginning I worked in the Urban Traffic Eng. Team, improving my knowledge about ITS software solutions and consolidating my experience as Traffic Eng. After 6 months, I had the great chance to join the DOHA project for FIFA WORLD CUP 2022, and I went on my first business trip with my manager, Gianni Canepari.
From that point, I had a wonderful personal and professional growth, that took me from the traffic Eng. World to the software design world: now I am a functional software designer in the DOHA project. I liked the experience, and I spent almost 200 days in 3 years with the DOHA team, improving and learning from colleagues and managers in the biggest project we had.
In parallel I had also had the opportunity to participate to the PMEX to improve my skill in the project management, so I have been assigned as PM for all the projects of Romania and one project in Latvia. To close, another exciting experience I had was the role of “teacher” of some trainings for clients around the world (Montevideo, Perugia, Ravenna, Padova), and also for the new guys have joined the company in the last year.
About Swarco Italia, what I love in general is the fact we are a strong Team. Every time you need some help, there is a colleague ready to support, and this is crucial mainly for young people are approaching this ITS world. Older colleagues and Managers put lots of effort and they are example of dedication and teamwork. I also liked the attention they have regarding the personal aspects and humors of the employee: they are ready to help you also in the private life and they are flexible in some circumstances (days in the office, anticipate the exit from the office). The work is challenging, the rhythm is high and sometimes the level of stress is important, but at the end as Team we can overpass the difficulties and reach the goals.
I hope this is only the beginning of my journey in this company. I feel great and positive, and I have a lot of effort to give, and a lot of thing to learn."

Justine sagt..
"Im Allgemeinen finde ich, dass der Arbeitsalltag bei SWARCO sehr angenehm und abwechslungsreich ist, wodurch ich gerne hier herkomme."
Justine Witt
Verwaltung / Diez, Deutschland
"Ich habe vor ca. einem Monat bei SWARCO im Vertrieb angefangen.
Meine bisherigen Tätigkeiten sind die Auftrags-und Angebotserfassung. Bereits an meinem ersten Tag wurde ich sofort positiv und herzlich aufgenommen. Auch bei Fragen ist immer jemand da, der sich Zeit nimmt mir diese zu beantworten. Dadurch hatte ich schnell das Gefühl, dass ich mich in das Unternehmen eingelebt habe.
Im Allgemeinen finde ich, dass der Arbeitsalltag bei SWARCO sehr angenehm und abwechslungsreich ist, wodurch ich gerne hier herkomme."

Molly says..
"I was very nervous when I first started as I was the youngest in the team. I really enjoy my role and working my work team at SWARCO, who had made me feel so welcomed. So far, I have been provided lots of opportunities to grow professionally with an amazing work team who really support each other. In addition to this, I am very fortunate that SWARCO Hitex are supporting me through my academic development of a chemistry degree by which I will graduate from next year."
Molly Hardy
Development Chemist / Ellesmere Port, United Kingdom
"I work as a development chemist for SWARCO Hitex in the Labatory team, specialising in cold applied MMA systems.
Working for SWARCO Hitex is my first time Job, I was very nervous when I first started as I was the youngest in the team. I really enjoy my role and working my work team at SWARCO, who had made me feel so welcomed. So far, I have been provided lots of opportunities to grow professionally with an amazing work team who really support each other. In addition to this, I am very fortunate that SWARCO Hitex are supporting me through my academic development of a chemistry degree by which I will graduate from next year.
My journey at SWARCO so far has been a period of significant professional growth and achievement, the supportive and innovate environment with the challenges and development opportunities has prepared me for future challenges in the research and development sector. SWARCO's culture and professional values align with my own making my first job experience fulfilling. As I look forward to these future challenges, I am confident that the skills and knowledge I have gained at SWARCO will be a solid foundation for further success and development."

Kimberly says..
“Over the past few years at SWARCO McCain, I’ve experienced rapid career growth that I didn’t anticipate. (...) It’s been enjoyable for me to learn so many different things and I look forward to growing even more.”
Kimberly May Hernandez
Jr. Staff Accountant / Vista, USA
SWARCO McCain Inc.
“Over the past few years at SWARCO McCain, I’ve experienced rapid career growth that I didn’t anticipate.
Starting as an Accounting Clerk and receiving ample training, I quickly progressed to an Accounts Receivable Specialist, and then soon after was promoted to a Jr. Staff Accountant. I owe a large part of my successes to my mentors within the accounting team; providing support whenever needed and supplementing my training with their own experiences. It’s been enjoyable for me to learn so many different things and I look forward to growing even more.”
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