Efficient and Safe Operations
Make Public Transport Even More
Environmentally-Sound And Efficient.
When it comes to improving the efficiency and safety in the operations of a bus fleet, it is vitally important to have
a personalized action plan for all areas of the organization - from drivers to lines, through depots,
operations and vehicles. This way you can identify potential improvements and obtain customized
recommendations for actions to be carried out.
Swarco offers fleet analysis in terms of operations' efficiency and safety, and a personalized action plan based on
potential improvements in all areas of your organisation.
What SWARCO has to offer
Integrated with
Fleet Management
Fair Driver
Tools and Procedures for Operations / HR
Driver App and Gamification
We Utilize Blended Learning
for Efficient Driving

What is Bledsystem?
Bledsystem is the operations efficiency and safety solution for road public transport. It combines technology with training methods, offering always friendly and effective recommendationsto improve the entire operation, focusing on: drivers and eco-driving, lines, vehicles, warehouses, middle managers and passengers.
It is based on a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and is specifically designed for bus fleets.
Bledsystem provides customized recommendations for each area of the organisation, with key benefits such as fuel/energy savings, lower carbon footprint, increased safety, lower insurance fees, reduced maintenance costs of the fleet, etc.
What is Bledsystem trying to solve?
The day-to-day operations of a bus fleet are extremely complex. There is always room for improvement, but the question is, "how and when?".
Bledsystem defines baselines, energy and safety targets and an associated action plan with achieved savings in just 8 weeks.
How does Bledsystem work?
Major Benefits
Advanced Open Source, Modular Technology
100% open source platform based on standards, cloud services and method services and methodologies (called Bledsystem) perfectly aligned to the current needs of the passenger road transport companies.
Unique Services for HR and Operations Areas
SaaS analytics services and methodology for continuous training, traffic regulation (anti bunching), driving personalized recommendations, gamification and tools for HR and Operation (drivers & middle managers).
Seamless Integration with SWARCO's AVM
Bledsystem seamless integrates as SaaS with existing systems, cutting costs, reducing infrastructure and obtaining new value added for the operator.
Fuel savings / extended battery range (mileage): 6-10%.
ROI >200 first year.
Drivers and passengers satisfaction > 8 in 10.
Accident reduction: 15+%.
Frequency and punctuality improvement.
Unique service with successful references involving more than 6.000 buses in different cities and areas across Europe, America and Africa.
First Savings in 8 Weeks
Bledsystem defines baselines, energy and safety targets and an associated action plan with achieved savings in just 8 weeks!”
Customer Statements
"Bledsystem contextual analysis provides us with a valuable action plan for improving efficiency and safety at drivers', vehicles and lines' levels."
Francisco Martin Torrego
Operations Manager
Tangier Public Transport
"The number of accidents in which TUSSAM drivers are responsible has fallen by 11% in one year. In addition, we have achieved savings of more than 7,5% in diesel and CNG vehicles."
Ángel Blanco
Operations Manager
TUSSAM (Seville Bus Operator)
(400 buses – 1200 drivers)
"We have reduced the consumption of diesel near the 9% in the last year. This translates into a saving of 40,171 litres of diesel. In addition, CTEA has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 99.26 tons."
Miguel Ángel Alonso
General Manager of the Maintenance Division
ALSA National Express
(CTEA in Spain)
"We have managed to save with respect to the base year, up to 8% of fuel in our fleet operating at AGADIR and more than 7% in the one operating the urban area of Marrakech. In addition, we have obtained in the first half of 2018 an average accident reduction of 26% on both exploitations compared to the same period last year."
Alberto Pérez
General Manager
ALSA Morocco
(435 buses – 1400 drivers)