Our Expertise in Industry Associations

SWARCO is a member of various industry associations and contributes to the work of numerous committees on standardization, road safety advocacy and the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems.

We are a proud member of:

The Association for Road Traffic Safety & Management serves as a knowledgeable and impactful entity within the Highways and Transport sector, dedicated to shaping technological advancements and enhancing standards in traffic engineering and operations. Recognized as a trade body for bollards, illuminated signs, traffic signs and signals, variable message signs, and ISO 9001 control, it offers its members valuable insights into all significant industry developments.

SWARCO UK & Ireland is a member.

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The road safety experts in the U.S.

American Traffic Safety Services Association represents the road safety, traffic safety, and highway safety industry with effective legislative advocacy, traffic control safety training, and a far-reaching member partnership.

SWARCO's US bead and road marking material manufacturing companies are members of ATSSA.

Traffic Telematics from Austria

The ATTC – Austrian Traffic Telematics Cluster was established at the initiative of ASFINAG in 2003 as an association for the promotion of telematics. In the interests of the Austrian economy, this group of 23 leading Austrian research, commercial and industrial companies has set itself the goal of furthering the development and practical application of new technologies in the field of telematics systems for traffic infrastructure. The ATTC’s key focuses in this are

  • acting as a think tank and cooperation platform for its members,
  • promoting the development of needs-oriented products for future traffic telematics demands, and
  • supporting the development of innovative technologies and their application to increase the attractiveness and capacity of Austria’s transport infrastructure so that it can successfully handle future traffic flows.

SWARCO COO for ITS and Speaker of the Board, Michael Schuch, is a member of the ATTC Steering Committee.

SWARCO FUTURIT Managing Director Artur Pesendorfer is a member of the ATTC Managing Board.

The Parking Management association

The British Parking Association is a not for profit organisation, representing, promoting and influencing the parking and traffic management profession throughout the UK and Europe.

Our membership of more than 700 organisations and individuals includes local authorities, car park operators, retail parks, healthcare facilities, universities, railway stations, technology providers, trainers and consultants.

We work with our partners to support growth for our communities, improve compliance by those managing and using parking facilities, and encourage fairness to achieve our vision of excellence in parking for all.

Any surplus income arising from our work is reinvested back into activities to support our members or put into a reserve fund to ensure we can continue to raise standards and encourage professionalism.

APT SKIDATA and SWARCO TRAFFIC LTD. are our members in the BPA.

The German Association of Road Marking Experts

Die Deutsche Studiengesellschaft für Straßenmarkierungen e.V. (DSGS) repräsentiert derzeit 90 Unternehmen aus allen Fachgebieten der Fahrbahnmarkierung. Unsere Homepage bietet einen Überblick über alle Bereiche unserer Verbandsarbeit und stellt darüber hinaus zahlreiche Fachinformationen zum Thema Fahrbahnmarkierung bereit. Die Bedeutung von Fahrbahnmarkierungen, als unverzichtbares Element für die Sicherheit und Leichtigkeit des fließenden und ru­henden Verkehrs, wird nach wie vor vielfach unterschätzt. Wir hoffen deshalb, dass diese Homepage dazu beitragen kann, Informationslücken zu schließen, um die Qualität unserer Fahrbahnmarkierungen und damit auch die Verkehrssicherheit weiter zu steigern.


Road Safety Advocacy in Brussels.

The European Union Road Federation (ERF) is a non-profit association which coordinates the views of Europe’s road infrastructure sector and acts as a platform for research and dialogue on mobility issues between stakeholders and institutional players.

In order to facilitate the contribution of the road sector towards the EU Institutions and member states, the ERF was established in Brussels in 1998 with the following mission:

  • Defend the interests of the European road infrastructure community towards the EU Institutions and other stakeholders
  • Represent a cross-section of industry partners, road and users associations active in the construction, equipment, maintenance and operation of Europe’s road network
  • Initiate and support studies, campaigns and publications aimed at increasing awareness on the importance of roads for all citizens
  • Contribute to European research initiatives with a view to enhancing the overall efficiency, sustainability and safety of the road transport system
  • Give the road infrastructure community a consistent and united voice in all road transport areas by promoting and coordinating Programmes & Working Groups

SWARCO's international sales manager for Road Marking Systems, Harald Mosböck, is a member of the ERF Executive Committee.

New ERF video

The ERF Secretariat is pleased to launch the new ERF corporate video, sharing their vision for the coming years with the support of our members. This video embraces the main objectives, activities and commitments of the ERF for the future:

  • Improving Road Safety through efficient and safe road infrastructure and equipment (markings, signs and barriers), as well as ensuring safer work zones, thus participating to the objectives of #Visionzero;
  • Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals such as decarbonisation, circular economy and reducing the environmental footprint of the road sector;
  • Encouraging best practices in Road Asset Management, with an increased cooperation between private and public sectors, fostering the European excellence and leadership;
  • Enabling Smart Mobility and paving the way to address the future challenges of tomorrow’s mobility, ensuring full adaptability of the infrastructure to connected and automated vehicles.

Europe's experts in ITS.

ERTICO – ITS Europe is a public-private partnership of 120 companies and organisations representing service providers, suppliers, traffic and transport industry, research, public authorities, user organisations, mobile network operators, and vehicle manufacturers.

ERTICO embodies thought leadership and fosters stakeholder engagement; Together with our partners, we develop, promote and deploy Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS) through a variety of activities including European co-funded projects, innovation platforms, international cooperation, advocacy and events. ERTICO is the organiser of the annual ITS regional and global Congress in Europe. The work focuses on Connected & Automated Driving, Urban Mobility, Clean Mobility, and Transport & Logistics.

SWARCO COO for ITS Michael Schuch is a member of the ERTICO Supervisory Board.

Advocacy for road safety worldwide

The International Road Federation (IRF) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation with the mission to encourage and promote development and maintenance of better, safer and more sustainable roads and road networks. Working together with its members and associates, the IRF promotes social and economic benefits that flow from well-planned and environmentally sound road transport networks. It helps put in place technological solutions and management practices that provide maximum economic and social returns from national road investments.

The IRF has a major role to play in all aspects of road policy and development worldwide. For governments and financial institutions, the IRF provides a wide base of expertise for planning road development strategy and policy.

For its members, the IRF is a business network, a link to external institutions and agencies, such as the United Nations and the European Union, and a business card of introduction to government officials and decision makers.

For the community of road professionals, the IRF is a source of support and information for national road associations, advocacy groups, companies and institutions dedicated to the development of road infrastructure.

Through the International Road Educational Foundation the IRF awards grants to graduate engineers and other transportation professionals from around the world in support of full-time academic training. With this the IRF actively supports the future generations who will build the road networks.

With a wide network across over eighty countries on six continents, the IRF believes that it can make a difference by providing best practices and expert advice to today’s multi-faceted world of transport.

SWARCO's Laura Coconea and Harald Mosböck are members of the IRF Board of Directors.

ITS in the Americas

The Intelligent Transportation Society of America advances the research and deployment of intelligent transportation technologies to save lives, improve mobility, promote sustainability, and increase efficiency and productivity.

McCain Inc. is our member in ITS America.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für intelligente Transportsysteme.

ITS Germany ist ein Zusammenschluss von technischen Verwaltungen, wissenschaftlichen Instituten sowie privaten und öffentlichen Unternehmen, Dienstleistern und Consultants in den Feldern der Telematik und Verkehrsleittechnik.

Die SWARCO TRAFFIC SYSTEMS GmbH ist unser Mitglied in ITS Germany.

ITS&S Czech Republic

About ITS&S (SDT)

"The main goal of ITS&S is to achieve fast development of road, railway, waterway and air telematics and thus provide technical, economic and ecological benefits to society and also to association members".(www.sdt.cz)

SWARCO TRAFFIC CZ s.r.o. is the VIP member in ITS&S Czech Republic.

ITS in Italy

TTS Italia, the National Association for Telematics for Transport and Safety, has been founded on March 8th, 1999, with the purpose of contributing to the improvement of efficiency and safety in the Italian transport system. This aim is achieved through the analysis of problems and opportunities, the formulation of proposals and the diffusion of information and knowledge in the sector of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems).

TTS Italia works to carry out a very precise mission: promoting the implementation, the development and the diffusion of Intelligent Transport Systems in Italy, in the most effective way for the user.

TTS Italia includes both public and private organisations which are active in the development and implementation of Intelligent Systems for Transport and Safety. It takes its inspiration from the model opened by ERTICO, at European level, and from other National Associations such as ITS America, ITS Japan, ITS Canada, ITS United Kingdom, ITS France, ITS Sweden.

Turin-based SWARCO MIZAR is our member in TTS Italia.

The Swiss road experts.

Zweck des Schweizer Fachverbandes für Sicherheit auf Straßen ist die Förderung der Sicherheit im Strassenverkehr in sämtlichen Bereichen der Verkehrsführung und horizontalen und vertikalen Ausstattung von Verkehrsanlagen sowie die Wahrung und die Unterstützung von gemeinsamen Berufsinteressen seiner Mitglieder in jeder Beziehung nach den Grundsätzen einer freiheitlichen Marktwirtschaft, insbesondere durch:

  • Öffentlichkeitsarbeit durch Stellungnahme zu interessierenden Themen im Bereich Wirtschaft, Politik, Gesetzgebung und Technik;
  • Kontakt und Zusammenarbeit mit sowie Vertretung und Mitarbeit in Behörden sowie Verbänden und Institutionen mit ähnlicher Zweckbestimmung, insbesondere in Fachgruppen und -kommissionen;
  • Einflussnahme auf das Submissionswesen;
  • Veranstaltung von Fachtagungen, Seminaren, Kursen usw.;
  • Förderung und Ausbau der fachtechnischen Ausbildung der Mitglieder;
  • Pflege des Erfahrungsaustausches unter Fachleuten und Förderung des beruflichen Könnens der Mitglieder;
  • Unterstützung der Mitglieder bei der Aus- und Weiterbildung, insbesondere im Lehrlingswesen, bei Regelung von Arbeits- und Lohnverhältnissen sowie im Kalkulations- und Qualitätssicherungswesen;
  • Förderung und Entwicklung neuer Produkte und Dienstleistungen;
  • Erarbeitung und Erlass von Empfehlungen, Richtlinien und Reglementen.

Der Verband ist politisch und konfessionell neutral und verfolgt keinen Erwerbszweck. Er kann zur Förderung des Zweckes die Mitgliedschaft bei anderen Organisationen und Verbänden im In- und Ausland erwerben.

Unsere Unternehmen M. SWAROVSKI GmbH und die SWARCO LIMBURGER LACKFABRIK GmbH sind Mitglieder der SISTRA.

Road safety experts in Austria.

Das ZVÖ setzt sich zum Ziel, in Österreich angesiedelte Verkehrs­sicherheits­unternehmen miteinander zu vernetzen. Durch die sich daraus ergebenden Synergien werden gemeinsame Innovationen und Ideen im Bereich der Verkehrssicherheit entwickelt und an die jeweiligen Fachstellen zur Zertifizierung eingereicht bzw. um deren Freigabe durch das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie angesucht.

M. SWAROVSKI GmbH und SWARCO HEOSCONT sind Mitglieder des ZVÖ.

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