All Systems Go!
Optimizing mobility management is usually prevented as a result of the incompatibility and lack of interoperability of different traffic monitoring and management systems. Vendors of various solutions often apply closed systems that prohibits data sharing with competing systems. This also normally prevents users from incrementally expanding existing systems to incorporate new developments and innovations on the market. SWARCO's open system of mobility allows all types of data sources and applications to be integrated with each other. It enables users to incorporate new innovations into their existing system in a step-by-step manner for optimized mobility management and substantially improved travel safety.
The Root of the Problem
Today, more than 1,200 systems are applied in the transport industry, most commonly each with isolated data and a static approach. They are rarely based on the use of open system platforms and typically function as stand-alone devices in the urban, interurban or parking domains. This is due to the lack of interoperability of these systems and so-called vendor lock-ins, which prevents authorities from managing mobility as an integrated function across various mobility domains. A holistic overview of the actual traffic situation is therefore not possible. This creates a complex working environment for traffic managers and traffic systems cannot keep pace with developments in the internet of things (IoT). Decisions have to be made without access to vital traffic data such as the number of vulnerable road users compared to car traffic; are vehicles clogging roads because they can't find a parking space; or can heavy vehicles be redirected to avoid dense traffic areas? The result is congested highways, poor air quality, an increased number of accidents as well as a decline in the quality of life for many citizens.
The Challenge
- More than 1,200 systems are currently used in the transport sector.
- Road administrations and cities struggle with static systems that limit connectivity with other systems.
- Users are confronted with a lack of system integration and vendor lock-ins.
- Existing solutions are difficult to adapt to new standards.
- There is an increasing need for open platforms.
- The demand for cybersecurity expertise and personnel resources is continually increasing.
What does the Future look like?
- Ecosystems require cross-domain and multi-vendor solutions.
- Interurban and urban mobility data needs to be connected with each other and not treated as siloed topics.
- The capability to switch between systems and share or access data is a necessity to improve traffic flows and improve road safety.
- A better understanding of journey times and vehicle types is vital to reduce highway congestion and traveler risk.

SWARCO's Solution Approach
Scope of applicability and use of sophisticated software.
SWARCO's mobility management system encompasses urban and interurban traffic as well as parking management. It is widely applied in large and small cities throughout the world. It is divided into MyCity – (urban-mobility management software that includes parking management and solutions that support modal shifts), MyHighway and MyTunnel (interurban mobility management software with connectivity to facility-management systems).
Use of an open mobility-software platform.
The different software tools used by SWARCO's mobility system to manage traffic infrastructure are built on an open platform. This makes it possible to connect all SWARCO or 3rd-party systems with each other. The open platform integrates micro-, macro-, and cross-domain software, and enables users to manage mobility on local, national or even regional levels in an comprehensive manner. New features can be flexibly added to the mobility system when needed and new data sources of basically any type can be securely integrated.
What does an Open System mean?
Open means scalable ...
SWARCO solutions facilitate the transition to a smart city and enable a mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) approach to achieve a holistic overview of mobility management. The solution allows users to work cross-domain with urban- and interurban-traffic management. It features parking guidance and e-vehicle charging integration, vulnerable-road-user detection and the integration with facility management systems in tunnels. Existing systems can grow, evolve and keep pace with changes in mobility technology and thus play an essential role in getting cities ready for the future.
Open means data integration ...
SWARCO's open software platform is an eco-system of mobility that allows the deep integration of all types of data sources. Users can connect, for example, environmental data, traffic sensor data, floating-car data, apps, 3rd-party data as well as parking data and much more. Furthermore, the integration with the automotive industry, data providers for GPS services, telecoms and other providers necessary for building smart cities is also possible.
Open means available ...
SWARCO systems are browser-based and utilise a responsive user interface. This means that the platform can be accessed anywhere where there is an internet connection and any available smart device. Service technicians receive instant alerts about a critical outage on their smartphone and can access the platform. Traffic operators can execute actions from a multi-screen traffic-management center or, when working from home, by using a laptop or tablet.
How do open systems benefit real-life situations?
For example, when a huge sports event is taking place and the city center is already congested, this is automatically detected by the system. Alternative routes can be proposed to highway drivers, and driver guidance can be offered to find available parking spaces. Recommendations can also be given to drivers in the city center to park their car at the closest parking area and then switch to an e-scooter to arrive at the event in time – instead of getting stuck in a traffic jam and further contributing to city congestion. The systems work in an integrated manner with other systems, and can be optimized for dynamic pricing adjustments for parking, shared micro-mobility services, public transport or tolling.
Therefore, open also means sharable …
All systems are built on SWARCO's advanced and scalable platform use the same core and infrastructure features that allow secure data sharing among different stakeholders. This includes the traffic engineer who wants to understand the current and historical traffic situation; the parking operator who wants to manage revenues and parking availability across the city; the environmental department that mainly needs to understand the environmental impact of the latest infrastructure adjustments; and the mayor who wants a summary of all of the above. SWARCO systems do not have a single face but enable each user to individually access the relevant information according to the specific needs. This means that the required data can be easily shared among the different domains and that traffic-management activities on the highway can be correlated to what is actually taking place in the city.
And lastly, open means secure …
SWARCO's public cloud solution hosts data in highly secure cloud-server sites where various fallback layers are used to process information. Should the primary data set fail, the platform immediately activates the second set within the primary hosting location. And in the case of a complete outage of this server location due to, for example, natural disasters, two replicas of your data are also stored at another secured backup facility.
Furthermore, dedicated SWARCO IT security experts ensure that the platform and the underlying infrastructure adhere to the latest security principles. In-house penetration tests are conducted to confirm the reliability of the system on a regular basis. SWARCO's Tech Ops (i.e., technical operations) team constantly monitors the uptime and performance of the platform, initiate the necessary actions when called for, and ensure that you receive support whenever required.
Flexible pricing models
SWARCO's open eco-system of mobility accommodates innovation in a step-by-step manner and is available in a range of inclusive pricing models. This includes a one-off purchase, a modular subscription, or a hybrid of the two. With the flexible pricing models, customers can start on a small scale and add what is needed – and when it's needed. SWARCO systems have been specifically designed and developed to evolve in order to cope with emerging technologies and changing mobility needs.
Get your roads ready for the future
The SWARCO solution for improved interoperability of systems facilitates the transition from siloed traffic management to an intermodal, interactive approach and also to a "Mobility-as-a-Service" (MaaS) model as well. It will help users to expand, evolve and keep pace with changes in mobility technology, and thus plays an essential role toward getting your roads ready for the future!
Holistic Urban Mobility Management by SWARCO
Would you like to further develop your urban mobility management, increase efficiency and make cities more liveable for everyone? Whether it's about fundamental questions or a specific project, whether you want an informative meeting or a demo, we are at your disposal with our know-how. Just fill out the form below and we will get back to you promptly.