Making Travel safer for everyone
Looking after the well-being of road users should be a priority for all cities, particularly in dangerous areas such as at road works
or in tunnels. It is particularly at such sites that drivers are suddenly confronted with unexpected situations such as slower traffic
speeds, traffic jams, narrow roads, lane changes, unclear and confusing driving conditions as well as poor visibility as in tunnels.
The result is unnecessary accidents and injuries, immense costs for victims and society in addition to further disruptions in the traffic
flow. SWARCO offers various solutions to reduce the danger of driving in or near work zones and in tunnels.
The Challenge
- Limited road capacity, combined with increasing traffic, leads to unsafe situations.
- 1.35 million people lose their lives each year in traffic-related accidents worldwide.
- 50 million road users are injured per annum on a global basis.
- Traffic-related fatalities could reduce the GDP of a country by up to 5%.
- Reducing traffic fatalities could increase the GDP by 22% over two decades.
- EU plans to set goals to halve road deaths by 2030 and to achieve zero road deaths by 2050.
Increase of traffic accidents in the past years
- 22,700 road users died on EU roads alone in 2019, and a further 1.2 million people were injured.
- Nearly 50% of the fatalities were drivers and passengers in cars.
- In 2020, roadwork accidents rose by 10% compared to previous years.
- In 2020, there were more than 15,000 traffic accidents on German motorways.
- An average of more than two Americans die each day in or near road work zones, and 200,000 people were injured during the
- last five years.

The SWARCO solution
Data collection:
The first step is to gather data from all relevant sources. SWARCO’s eco-system of mobility with
deep integration of all types of data sources allows cross-domain applications to be connected
and integrated. The data from the existing infrastructure is combined with data coming from
traffic sensors, floating car data, apps, 3rd party data, as well as with event data such as major
sports events. This data is stored, processed and visualised to enable the appropriate actions to
be taken to reduce accidents, especially in the vicinity of road works or in tunnels.
Measure to increase safety:
Real-time incident detection allows traffic to be steered away from dangerous areas. Dynamic information of the actual traffic situation is conveyed to road users on highways and in tunnels. Warnings about dangerous conditions ahead can be issued by means of signal gauges installed in a vehicle dashboard or with the use of digital signs placed along the road. Vehicle speed limits are reduced at road works, and traffic lanes on roads and in tunnels are closed in the case of incidents.
Novel solution:
Lorries and other vehicles with overloads can be weighed while driving by means of a WeighIn-Motion (WIM) system. Should there be a potentially dangerous situation ahead, such vehicles can be preselected to exit the motorway in time. The respective notifications are performed
by programmable Variable Message Signs (VMS) that show the corresponding license plate
number with a directive for the vehicle to exit the road.
Start small. Add whats needed:
SWARCO‘s mobility management technology has been specifically designed and developed in order to allow users to incrementally expand their system in direct response to new innovations on the market or changing mobility needs. The modular system that connects interurban and urban domains integrates micro-, macro-, and cross-domain software, enabling users to start small and add new features when needed. All solutions are operated using one open platform, thus preventing vendor lock-ins. This is particularly important because many vendors of traffic-management systems apply closed systems that prevent the migration of traffic data to competing systems. Therefore, the open SWARCO solution better serves the needs of a holistic and comprehensive approach for improved road and tunnel safety!
Lane Markings:
Road markings are an important safety factor in today's road transport. We bring their benefits together on the road surface:
SWARCO Road Marking Systems not only produces high-grade reflective glass beads and marking materials – it also manufactures integrated systems combining both product lines. As sole full-range supplier worldwide, we provide you with retro-reflective systems from one source and, where necessary, support you on site in all phases of planning and implementation.
Strong Components
Holistic Urban Mobility Management by SWARCO
Would you like to further develop your urban mobility management, increase efficiency and make cities more liveable for everyone? Whether it's about fundamental questions or a specific project, whether you want an informative meeting or a demo, we are at your disposal with our know-how. Just fill out the form below and we will get back to you promptly.