Register via https://www.swarco-emp.de/de/register. To do this, you must select a suitable contract/tariff. After you have registered and entered your payment details, you can order customer cards. The number of possible customer cards and the price may vary depending on the chosen tariff. The customer cards are not transferable.

This depends on the tariff selected. There are tariffs that allow charging at other stations, so-called "roaming". To do this, the charging station operator must be a member of the corresponding roaming association and have approved the specific charging station for third-party use.
For example, the Hubject roaming network enables charging at several hundred thousand charging points worldwide. These charging points are marked accordingly and are also displayed in the app.

SWARCO supplies charging infrastructure, service, and maintenance etc. to well-known companies, including those in the food retail sector. However, many supermarkets do not operate their charging points outside store opening hours and switch them off for various legal and technical reasons. In these cases, the grocery as charging point owner must allow the use, unfortunately SWARCO has no direct influence here. In this respect, a SWARCO card may also not work at a station supplied by SWARCO if the charging station owner wishes so.

Yes, it is enough to use the app to start and stop charging processes. In the app you must log in with your personal registration data (login) to use all functions and see all available stations.

Scan the QR code with your smartphone (Apple or Android). You will be redirected to a web page that shows the so-called Direct Billing / Ad hoc tariff. By depositing your credit card details and confirming the conditions, you can start the charging process. 50 euro will be reserved on your credit card until the final amount is determined.

In your personal account (web or APP) you can see your charging transactions after logging in. By clicking on the charged kWh, you will see the charging transaction data displayed in "raw format". You can check these for authenticity in the transparency software of the SAFE initiative.

It can be downloaded from www.transparenz.software. You need a Java runtime environment to run it. The transparency software works with the charging stations of most manufacturers in Germany, as they have organized themselves in an association for the promotion of research and consumer protection in the field of electromobility, the S.A.F.E. e.V.

The public keys can be seen behind a viewing window on the electricity meter of most charging stations that comply with calibration regulations. Many users therefore photograph the public keys with their smartphone to be able to check the charging data later if necessary. The public keys for most public charging points can also be found on the overview map of the Federal Network Agency.

Contact us at info-emp@swarco.de if you would like to become a charging point operator yourself. In order to charge public charging points with kWh accuracy, German law requires charging points that comply with calibration law. We will be happy to advise you.