SWARCO Whistleblower Portal

We are there for you!

If you are aware of any known or suspected legal violations or violations of SWARCO regulations by organisation/individuals, or if you discover such violations in our supply chain, we kindly ask you to inform us.

We will give you feedback as soon as possible and ensure the confidentiality of all parties involved.

Through your support you help us to do the right thing!

Compliance Violations
Whistleblower Hotline

Contact us:
T. +43 5224 5877 62

Reporting can also be done anonymously.

Whistleblowing Principles

Every information you provide us with must be checked for validity, unless the information contains no indication for validity.

You may report any misconduct by employees, suppliers, distributors or other companies, organisations or persons relevant to the activities of the SWARCO Group in writing or verbally. You may provide written or oral information about any company, organisation or person relevant to the activities of the SWARCO Group.

All reports (internal and external) are received by Group Compliance of SWARCO AG. This ensures that the report is promptly processed according to its essential content.

Group Compliance is organizationally and professionally sufficiently independent and has adequate human and material resources to ensure a qualified, expeditious, and independent review and, if necessary, initiate internal investigations.

For this reason, only share information that is true to the best of your knowledge. There will be significant consequences for the knowing submission of false or misleading information. The knowing dissemination of false information is a criminal offence in many countries. Reports made in good faith and to your best knowledge will not result in any negative action by the company.

Group Compliance will inform the Executive Board about the content of a report if:

  • There is a reasonable suspicion of a legal violation.

  • The notification appears to be suitable for preventing similar future violations; and

  • There is no risk of endangering follow-up measures.

Options for reporting:

  • Verbally: either by phone or other ways of oral communication, the direct line of the Head of Group Compliance is available as a phone number: +43 5224 5877 62.

  • in written form: electronically via email to compliance@swarco.com. Only Compliance Department employees have access to this mailbox, ensuring confidentiality.

In addition of English, written reports can also be made in the respective national language. By using digital translation tools, the reports are processed, and if necessary, an interpreter is added.

The implemented whistleblowing system of SWARCO AG ensures the confidentiality of reports. The system allows anonymous reporting. If Group Compliance adds a department to process the report or informs the Executive Board of the report, the identity of the whistleblower must always be kept confidential.