SWARCO – the hub for connected traffic
Intense efforts are underway for digitalizing road traffic in Sweden, Scandinavia and Europe. Traffic lights, freeway systems, traffic closure vehicles and mass transit are becoming connected and data shared. A strong force in this development is naturally the development of autonomous vehicles, as well as trends in the fields of smart cities and modern mobility services.
SWARCO is participating in several different projects in which the digital traffic infrastructure is being shaped and implemented.

Digital Demo Stockholm – Smart traffic lights
Stockholm has a vision of becoming the world’s smartest city by 2040. As an aspect of this, a number of demo projects are underway. One of these projects is for smart traffic lights. A smart city solution will be tested with regulation of incoming traffic, networked traffic lights and mass transit priority, all to improve traffic conditions in a neighborhood in central Stockholm.
Drive Sweden KRABAT
Drive Sweden is a national strategic innovation program for mobility and sustainable cities. One of the projects at Drive Sweden is KRABAT, which will network traffic lights and share the collected data with road users, including the automotive industry.
Nordic Way 2
Nordic Way was an EU pilot project conducted during 2015–2017 . The purpose was to test services in C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems). Work is now continuing in Nordic Way 2, with the goal of implementing functioning C-ITS standardized services in the four Nordic countries on a permanent basis. First on the Nordic level and then on the European.
All of the projects above are being conducted in collaboration between the public sector/road proprietors (cities/municipalities and the Swedish Transport Administration), the automotive industry (Volvo AB, Volvo Cars, Scania, etc.), research centers (Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers, RISE) and SWARCO. Several of the projects are entirely dependent on SWARCO’s participation.
The projects are being conducted in the period 2017–2021.