SWARCO Equipment Supports Students

Thomas Leitner and Jacob Jordan, students at the Innsbruck-based polytechnical school for construction and design, have developed a robotic system highlighting the implementation of an autonomous, distributed driving system built on swarm intelligence. According to the two junior developers, their system – completely designed from scratch – is comprised of five autonomous and partly 3D-printed cars placed on a CNC-milled track. To interconnect the cars among themselves and with the track as well as for information exchange, they use a common wireless communication technology and inductive loops and detectors provided by SWARCO. Using a master server as both communication and computing relay, the idea of swarm intelligence was implemented. Jacob and Thomas: “Our system enables the simulation of autonomous driving with and without swarm intelligence and demonstrates how the latter option is more accident-prone.”

The picture shows the two diploma holders presenting their system at the RoboCupJunior Austrian Open 2019 in Innsbruck.