Smart Port Stockholm / Sweden
SWARCO Port Control
Increasing Productivity and Quality of Life
The conversion of Värtahamnen Harbour in central Stockholm is a wonderful illustration of how the SWARCO Port Control System can not only increase the efficiency of a port, but also enlarge the living space of an entire city.
The networked port becomes reality - at just the right time. After all, ports are still travel hubs and logistics centres for global trade. Capacity requirements and the desire for more advanced services are constantly increasing. The central role that the SWARCO Port Control System (SPCS) can play in the ongoing digital transformation of ports is demonstrated by the Värtahamnen Port in Stockholm, which was rebuilt between 2013 and 2016. The goal was clear: the SPSC should optimize the entire port area - from logistics and work processes to ship, truck and visitor traffic.

More Workflow Means Less Work
The SWARCO Port Control System installed at the Värtahamnen Port Terminal is a modern, intelligent transport system that makes traffic management more economical and all workflows more flexible. The basic concept is to create a large logistical flow without compromising the strict safety requirements. This was achieved for example by
- Automated vehicle management
- ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition)
- Gates for length and height measurements
- VMS (Variable Message Signs)
- or automatic damage control for trucks
The SPCS continuously determines where the vehicles or goods are located. The system can also notify internal and external partners at the site, for example, and allows port personnel to control traffic lights with handheld devices. As all these gears mesh seamlessly, all processes become simpler, safer and more efficient - for ships, trucks and everyone involved. And the effect on the city is even more impressive …
Less Port Means More City
By improving the traffic flow for ships and trucks, the entire port operation is now much more efficient. The environmentally friendly port of Värtahamnen, with its five bays and modern passenger terminal, can now simultaneously handle more ships and more traffic in a smaller area. The city of Stockholm has thus regained large parts of the area occupied by the port. Which in turn means more space for the city to develop new homes, open spaces and jobs.
"The SWARCO Port Control System is not just an innovative total traffic solution. It is a networked tool which makes work more efficient and life more pleasant."
Johan Castwall, CEO Ports of Stockholm
Create highly efficient and safer port logistics
Planning and implementation of a smart port control system
Smart Port Control System, Automated Vehicle Managment, ANPR, Gates for length and height measurements, VMS, automated damage control for trucks