Going the Extra Mile
Volunteering projects can be strenuous and challenging, but they are invaluable for society and the environment. In the SWARCO Road Marking Systems Division, a large number of employees all over Europe are eager to participate and do so with great enthusiasm.
Worldwide, SWARCO Road Marking Systems is showing the way with its state-of-the-art lane markings, reducing accidents and increasing road safety. Through voluntary staff activities outside of daily business, it is taking on additional responsibility to create added value for society and the environment in a wide variety of ways.

Doing good, naturally: In the nature park, SWARCO employees take care of grasslands which are home to animal and plant species that have been identified as conservation priorities.
Out of the office or the production hall and into the nature park – SWARCO Road Marking Systems employees get to work with string trimmers, hoes, rakes and other tools, engaging hands-on to preserve dry grasslands which are home to animal and plant species that have been identified as conservation priorities. After many hours of hard work, all participants are happy about what they have achieved, as are the project partners and nature-loving people who can now continue to enjoy these special flora and fauna.
These efforts to preserve this particular biotope are but one example of a wide variety of volunteering commitments within the SWARCO Road Marking Systems Division. With nature conservation, animal protection and social projects, the Division wants to share its economic success with the communities in the direct vicinity of the different company sites. Besides the financial support for these initiatives, the companies provide, above all, the time and know-how of their staff as resources to create added value for society and the environment. As part of the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, engaging actively in fields suffering from a general lack of resources and possibilities is a particularly important concern. And there are many of those in Europe.
Meaningful Activities in Different Locations
SWARCO Road Marking Systems staff in Germany put together dozens of Christmas parcels at the end of the year to be distributed to children in need in different countries. Elsewhere, employees contribute labour and know-how to support an animal shelter in the urgently needed general overhaul of its animal accommodation. In Romania, employees, together with partner associations, help the elderly and visually impaired people. In Austria, staff engage in social projects in neighbouring communities, or, together with partners, support biodiversity in the companies’ immediate vicinity, to quote but some examples.
A number of projects benefit from SWARCO Road Marking Systems’ expertise in ensuring orientation and safety on roads and pathways, such as in the case of a cooperation with a Romanian association for blind and visually impaired people: Here, people with visual impairments are introduced to EUROTAC products. Employees explain how these tactile guidance systems can be used properly in daily traffic and how they support those concerned in finding their way in public spaces. This makes for a win-win situation, as Corina Berekmeri, Managing Director of the Romanian subsidiary in Târgoviște, explains: “Being able to move around safely thanks to reliable guidance systems significantly improves the quality of life of people with visual impairments. In turn, the feedback of visually impaired and blind people allows us to gain valuable insights into their needs and based on that, to develop our products further to better adapt them to these needs.”
Strong Networks and a Positive Atmosphere
These volunteering initiatives are rewarding for all participants. Together with the cooperation partners (NGOs, associations, neighbours and neighbouring communities, etc.), strong networks are created where all benefit from one another in a sustainable way. Employees gain new insights into other areas and appreciate this change in perspective. The opportunity to also make a meaningful contribution outside the production hall, lab or office promotes a positive atmosphere and strengthens the corporate community spirit.
Corina Berekmeri underscores this as follows: “The benefits of our volunteering programmes are manifold. When the team in our company gets together for volunteering activities, it makes a welcome change from the daily routine and hierarchies are quickly forgotten. The positive effects are felt within our organization, but, above all, in the local community.”
Quality products and services from SWARCO Road Marking Systems guide traffic safely from A to B by day and, above all, by night. On all types of roads. Whatever the weather. From a single source. Over 5,000 customers in more than 80 countries place their trust in them.
For further information visit: www.swarco.com/rms