Smart Cycling Solutions
Supporting Emission-Free Transportation.
Increased traffic in large cities, in combination with high demands on environmental improvements and mobility, has forced a change in transport policy. Cycling as a means of transport has been given greater focus by traffic planners and politicians. Cycling is a quick, efficient and environmentally-friendly way to get around. Not only do cycle commuters improve their own health, but they also contribute to a better environment and the reduction of traffic congestions. Many cities are therefore prepared to invest in their road networks, infrastructure and not least in the technical installations to promote cycling.
Motivation Is The Key Factor
To motivate commuters to leave their cars at home and to use their bicycles instead requires multiple initiatives. Even if environmental awareness and improved health can be considered sufficiently good reasons, information and traffic safety are also very important factors to make more people choose the bicycle as a means of daily transport.
This is where SWARCO's cycle concept comes in place.

See Our Range Of Solutions That Promote Cycling
Priority at Traffic Signals
Equipping traffic signals with bicycle detectors enables cities to give green light priority to cyclists. As a consequence, they do not have to stop as often, get improved mobility, better traffic safety and an overall VIP feeling. SWARCO offers a variety of technical solutions for the detection and priority of cyclists at signalled intersections, e.g.:
- Early detection with video, radar or loop detectors, instead of push-button, for faster green light
- The notification from the parallel signal groups, for faster green-light without stopping
- Shortening of conflicting signal groups for shorter waiting time
- Own bike-group with its own signal cycles
- The extension of the green phase as long as there are cyclists approaching
- Pre-green light in relation to conflicting traffic
- Coordination of multiple intersections to provide a „Green Wave“
SWARCO's cyclemeter is a way for the city to show its appreciation and say „Thank You“ to cyclists for their contribution to the environment. The cyclemeter is installed along cycle paths and can be equipped with multiple displays presenting information such as the number of bicycles per today, per year or any other time range.
Additional information like date and time, air temperature or the city‘s logo can also be shown. In addition to providing this information to cyclists and citizens, the city’s traffic engineers also get a more detailed picture of the city‘s bicycle traffic.

Bicycle Data and Web Application
The bicycle counts collected from devices such as cyclemeters, traffic controllers or separate measuring stations can be presented on the web or in apps to provide an overview of the city’s bicycle traffic in real time. Historical data is stored in a central database which provides access to valuable information, 24 hours a day all year around, for the city’s traffic planners and research.
Green Wave
The Green Wave helps cyclists to keep a steady pace to avoid unnecessary stops at signal controlled intersections, saving themselves some energy. In this way also a reduction of red light violations are achieved. The Green Wave is visualized by LED lights fixed in the road surface, on posts or using „countdown signals“.
As long as the cyclists stay in the Green Wave, they will be granted green light at the next intersection. The system connects to the traffic signal controller which can also be coordinated with the adjacent intersections for a better flow through multiple signal-regulated junctions.
Dangerous Right Turn
An LED light fixed in the road surface or LED signs alert right turning motorists that there may be bicycles on the crossing cycle path that can be hidden by the dead angle of their mirrors.
Road lights and VMS are controlled by the traffic controller or a special sensor that detects approaching bicycles.
Warning at Crossings
The system is used in areas that are defined as dangerous crossings or junctions. At these areas, variable message signs are installed to alert and warn motorists about cyclists on the street.
When a cyclist is detected, the signs are activated with a speed reduction or a warning message. The signs are lit as long as there are cyclists in the dangerous area, and turn off automatically when no more cyclists are detected.
Cycle Path Markings
Bicycle lane markings are used to demarcate bicycle lanes from adjacent motorist traffic. They are mostly used in built-up / urban areas where space is scarce and motorised and bicycle traffic have to be routed alongside each other. A distinct colour-based separation protects cyclists, hence the signal colour red is often the colour of choice.
more information about cycle path markings can be found here >>
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For Smart Cycling Solutions
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Consulting, Planning, Installation, Service and Maintenance.
We offer a wide range of services to help you with your projects. Rely on us for an entire project or just a part of it and we are happy to take over service and maintenance.