From our Code of Conduct:

We commit ourselves to this every day in our conduct and expect the same from our business partners.

#Stay compliant!

The Better Way. Every Day!

For SWARCO, responsible corporate governance is of central importance. The management and control of the group of companies is geared towards creating a working environment that promotes integrity, respect and responsible conduct in order to create sustainable value.

The SWARCO Code of Conduct was created as a basis for this. The Code of Conduct serves as a guide for all employees to behave with integrity in their dealings with customers, business partners, employees and the public. The Code of Conduct also reflects our expectations towards our business partners, with whom and how we do business.

The common goal of all SWARCO employees is to act in a legally compliant, socially responsible, ethical and forward-looking manner – in short, responsibly – not only in their dealings with colleagues, but also with stakeholders and business partners.

The Code of Conduct is made available to all employees and is also made available to all customers and business partners.

Our Code of Conduct

Our Speak Up Policy

Your word counts – Speak Up

We encourage our employees to speak up, whether they are confronted directly or witness a non-compliant situation, such as incidents of harassment, discrimination, abuse of power, bullying, fraud, corruption or conflict of interest, or any other potential violation. This includes any incident and/or behaviour that violates our Code of Conduct, as well as the laws and regulations that apply to our operations.

If employees do not feel comfortable speaking with their direct manager, relevant HR manager or the Head of Group Compliance, they can make a confidential report through our Speak Up channel.

We also encourage third parties associated with SWARCO to speak up if they have compliance concerns and/or suspect violations in our supply chain. You can help us by reporting your concerns through our Speak Up channel.

How to report a compliance incident

Here is all the information you need to speak up about violations 24/7, 365 days a year.

  1. Submit your report via the website in your local language. You have the option to remain anonymous.
  2. Provide a detailed description of what you are reporting (who, what, when, how) and include supporting evidence, such as copies of documents or names of witnesses who can substantiate your report. Please note that general allegations cannot be investigated.
  3. Once you have submitted your report, you will receive a unique case number. You will need this number each time you access the system.
  4. We take all concerns about non-compliance seriously and will take appropriate action on each report. We will keep you informed of our progress accordingly.
  5. You can track the progress of your report by returning to the website with your case number.

For more details, see our Speak-Up Policy