When Cycle Path Markings Glow in the Dark
Imagine cycle paths and their intersections with roads that have no street lighting. In the morning or evening when it is still dark, the course of such cycle paths is difficult to identify, offering little safety and orientation to cyclists. This can be changed: with afterglow marking systems by SWARCO.
SWARCO Afterglow Marking Systems, developed in cooperation with pigment specialist NighTec, are markings which store UV light during the day and emit it in darkness in a yellowish or blueish colour“, explains Heidi Ehlert, Head of R&D with German market leader in road marking systems, SWARCO LIMBURGER LACKFABRIK in Diez, Rhineland-Palatinate. Duration and intensity of the afterglow effect depend on the amount of afterglow aggregates and the layer thickness of the marking and can reach between 8 and 10 hours. The punctually afterglowing aggregates are perceived at larger distances as a continuously illuminated marking.
Afterglow systems not only do a good job on cycle paths, but also constitute an interesting and cost-effective alternative to artificial lighting at blackspots, dangerous curves and in unlit parks.
· 2-component afterglow plastic
· 2-component coldplastic (transparent), with drop-on afterglow aggregates
· 2-component coldplastic (transparent), with drop-on light aggregates (50:50 mix of afterglow aggregates and reflective glass beads)
Afterglow systems are innovative SWARCO markings offering better orientation in the dark on cycle paths and in parks and thus enhancing (road)safety for cyclists and pedestrians.