Unique Combination Increases Road Safety
Combining premium thermoplastics and high-performance reflective glass beads provides long-term safety for motorists. This unique system is offered exclusively by SWARCO.
Road markings are an integral part of road infrastructure and contribute to better driver orientation on the road. The key to providing long-term pavement marking performance is to optimally integrate the binder and glass bead components. Maximum visibility and durability are two of the most important criteria in pavement marking performance. With a premium system consisting of specially formulated thermoplastic markings and SWARCO DURALUX premium reflective glass beads, SWARCO Road Marking Systems demonstrates what is possible. On a US test deck, the 36-month data indicates the combined Swarco system outperformed all other white and yellow thermoplastic systems on the same test deck, demonstrating exceptional long-term performance and retroreflection. “We are excited about these innovations as we continually strive to deliver the most durable and highly reflective thermoplastic pavement marking systems in the world”, per Jon Sproul.

The combination of thermoplastic road markings and the high-grade SWARCO DURALUX reflective glass beads is unique on the market.
29 September 2021 – Pavement Markings are one of the most important safety factors on the world highways. As such, we continue to advance our research and development in order to further enhance roadway safety,” Jon Sproul, Vice President Region America, explains. “By using these technologies together, we can deliver both high retroreflection values and greater durability. Naturally, the fact that we, at SWARCO Road Marking Systems, have been developing both components makes it easier to keep advancing them together,” This combination is indeed unique on the market. The system of SWARCOTHERM used together with the high-grade SWARCO DURALUX reflective glass beads, stood out in a US test deck study.
Retroreflection and Durability
We are advancing the new thermoplastic formulas and combining them with SWARCO DURALUX to now offer our SWARCOTHERM Thermoplastic Dot system that combines the technologies into a wet reflective system that performs under dry and wet conditions, day and night.
The retroreflection values as measured in a test deck study in Texas made a compelling case for the combination of SWARCOTHERM and SWARCO DURALUX. The retroreflection value indicates the light directed back by the reflective glass beads in the road markings. The reflective glass beads reflect the beam from the headlight back to the driver. Road users rely on this quality for their safety, especially in wet or dark conditions. “Measurements after 12 months were astounding. Our yellow markings achieved exceptionally high values,” Jon Sproul explains. The test was able to prove retroreflection values of more than 700 mcd/m2*lx. Even in wet testing conditions, retroreflection was markedly above 100 mcd/m2*lx. These long-term high retroreflection values are also of great importance for automated driving. Self-driving cars depend on road markings being optimally visible. Only then can they orient themselves fully autonomously and safely on the road.
Quality products and services from SWARCO Road Marking Systems guide traffic safely from A to B by day and, above all, by night. On all types of roads. Whatever the weather. From a single source. Over 5,000 customers in more than 80 countries place their trust in them.
For further information visit: www.swarco.com/rms