SWARCO launches own GoGreen initiative at ITS European Congress in Lisbon
Austrian traffic technology specialist offers support to European Green Deal cities in reaching their ambitious climate goals
What do cities like Rotterdam, Dublin, Malmö, Dortmund, Lisbon, Paris, Milan, and Krakow have in common? Like one hundred other European cities, they all are committed to the European Green Deal in becoming climate neutral by 2050 and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% compared to 1990 by the year 2030. The Austrian-based, international traffic technology corporation SWARCO used today’s ITS European Congress in Lisbon to kick off its initiative aiming at such cities under the motto “Let’s make Europe green. Deal?” The official ribbon-cutting of this SWARCO GoGreen Initiative took place in the presence of Herald Ruijters from DG Move/European Commission, high-level ERTICO representatives, and SWARCO CEO Michael Schuch.
Cutting the ribbon in Lisbon to kick off SWARCO’s GoGreen initiative targeting the European Green Deal cities:
From left: Steve Penn (Head of Innovation SWARCO ITS Division), Joost Vantomme (ERTICO CEO), Michael Schuch (SWARCO CEO), Angelos Amditis (ERTICO Chairman), Herald Ruijters (DG Move/European Commission), Laura Coconea (Head of Portfolio Management SWARCO ITS Division).
Photo: SWARCO AG/Neumann
“Over the next eleven months, from today to Intertraffic Amsterdam in April 2024, we follow a collaborative SWARCO approach to deliver an innovative experience for all Green Deal cities in Europe”, said SWARCO CEO Michael Schuch. “As a major player in ITS, we would like to formally engage with them, obtain a better understanding of their actual challenges and provide support with know-how and technology in overcoming such challenges.”
The Transportation and Mobility sector accounts for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions. That is why urban mobility management solutions play a significant role in the decarbonisation of transportation. “We created a special Virtual Reality experience where city stakeholders can delve into a very realistic urban environment to understand how SWARCO’s offerings help tackle challenges such as air pollution, traffic congestion, micro mobility inclusion, pedestrian safety, parking space management, data-driven traffic management and modal shift”, explained Steve Penn, Head of Innovation with SWARCO’s ITS Division. “The VR takes into account different levels of political and technical responsibility and presents city pain points and our solutions with a little gamification in an easy-to-understand and vivid way”, Steve Penn added.
The SWARCO GoGreen Initiative will be accompanied over the next months by regular progress reports, also on Social Media.
The VR demo can be experienced from 22 to 24 May at the ITS European Congress in the exhibition hall on the mezzanine level at stand D2. Of course, the VR demo can also be experienced during local appointments in the different European regions. Interested stakeholders can register for an appointment under www.swarco.com/gogreen.