ITS for Better Public Transport
By making a transition from travel by private car to public transport more appealing, effective and attractive public transport systems can contribute to solving the environmental and traffic problems that arise in conjunction with population growth. The major shift to urbanization presently underway in the Nordic countries is creating higher demand for housing and environmentally friendly transportation, and increasing numbers of housing areas are being built in outlying areas where it was previously considered as unprofitable to build. This places new demands on capabilities for sustainable transportation to and from the cities, and these demands can be met with Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
The best results are attained by combining several different smart ITS solutions. Increase public transport ridership in your city by providing reliable, safe and convenient travel.

Accurate and constantly updated information
with real-time systems
By providing accurate and constantly updated information, more people will choose public transport. SWARCO’s onboard system Obis reports vehicle positions each second in providing real-time information that is truly accurate. The information is sent out to passengers via signs, smartphones and other user-friendly solutions, such as audio announcements at bus stops.
Safe travel and workplaces
with surveillance, alarms and smarter alcohol locks
Buses with Obis installed are equipped with smart alcohol locks that check drivers during their shifts. The checks are only made when the vehicle is at a standstill and ensures that no alcohol has been consumed either before or during a shift.
Drivers and passengers may sometimes feel anxious about their safety, especially during evening trips. A surveillance system at terminals and onboard buses can save lives. Should a threatening situation arise, drivers or passengers can send an alarm using strategically placed alarm buttons. Traffic control centres can then switch on nearby surveillance cameras and dispatch help to the appropriate location.
Smart terminal administration
for stations, ports, airports, etc.
SWARCO’s terminal administration system Dirigo makes it easy to optimize a terminal. Dirigo, an add-in with a gate system, administers vehicle authorization for restricted areas, directs vehicles to the right gates or arrival/departure points, and handles the information on the real-time displays for passengers. Timetables and terminal areas are automatically optimized in the system so as to handle more vehicles in a smaller area. Dirigo is used at several major bus and trains stations, ports and airports in the Nordic countries.
An example of combined ITS solutions
for a smoothly operating terminal
Just before arriving at a terminal, a bus is detected by a gate system called SwappAccess, which requires special authorization for the bus enter the terminal area. If access is approved, the driver is guided to an unoccupied bus stop with the shortest possible distance to the departure/arrival hall. At the same time, Obis displays the minutes before departure on the onboard unit. In this way, the driver can let the next bus pull into the same stop without any delays, and unnecessary stop-and-go traffic is avoided for a greener climate.
Signs with real-time information, spoken announcements, tactile maps and Braille guide passengers to the right stop with information about bus arrival and departure times. Traffic controllers can use Dirigo to control the information shown on the screens, and in this way, adapt specific messages in advance or send out information in real-time in the event of heavy congestion, for example. In this way, passengers always receive updated and accurate information.

With Dirigo, traffic controllers can maintain a constant overview of what is happening at the terminal and the vehicles there. If a sign is not working as it should, information about this is shown in the system, enabling traffic controllers to immediately correct the problem.
SWARCO’s system is modular and designed for both large and small vehicle fleets. Get in touch and we’ll find the solution that works best for your specific operations.