Green wave for police operations thanks to CCAM - GPEC 2022
In cooperation with SWARCO, the Hessian University of Public Administration and Security (HöMS) presented the C-Roads project at the General Police Equipment Exhibition & Conference (GPEC) last month. GPEC is a trade fair for homeland security that takes place annually in Frankfurt am Main.
C-Roads is a European project that promotes the introduction of cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM, also known as cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) or vehicle-to-everything (V2X)). Thanks to CCAM technology, a green wave can be generated for police vehicles when on duty. SWARCO and the police department of Hessen are currently testing such a police prioritisation in the city of Bensheim, Germany.

The components needed for this prioritisation are installed in the emergency vehicle as well as in the traffic infrastructure. At the exhibition, visitors were shown how the On Board Unit (installed in the blue light and siren) sends signals to the Road Side Unit, which is installed in SWARCO's traffic light system. The technology not only switches the corresponding traffic light to green, but ideally clears the entire intersection so that the police can pass through the intersection with significantly reduced danger and arrive safely at the scene of the incident.
Further information on prioritising emergency vehicles thanks to CCAM technology can be found on the respective SWARCO solution page. Read here an article about vehicle prioritisation in Ludwigsburg, Germany, where SWARCO's technology has already been safely getting firefighters to emergency scenes since 2019.
Watch a video of the presentation at GPEC below (in German):