Exceptional Performance Once Again

SWARCO DURALUX reflective glass beads continue to provide exceptional performance and impressive reflectivity on all types of durable pavement marking binders. This is shown by impressive measurements taken on a Department of Transportation (DOT) installation in Kansas.

Many striping companies in the US recognize the benefits of utilizing SWARCO DURALUX in their marking system. Their powerful inclusion not only boosts the visibility of road markings but also significantly enhances road safety while simultaneously saving both time and money.

SWARCO DURALUX reflective glass beads consistently yields impressive reflectivity results in yellow road markings.

Photo: SWARCO Road Marking Systems

To see how a lane marking is truly effective, in-the-field reflectively readings are necessary. Which is precisely why the results from the independently collected data on a Kansas DOT project are exceptionally impressive.

Use on a Variety of Binders

SWARCO DURALUX provides such impressive results on a variety of marking binders. They are suitable for use on binders such as thermoplastic, modified urethanes, polyurea, epoxy and MMA. The unique glass chemistry and precision manufacturing processes create a superior glass bead with 90% + rounds and less then 1% defects that provide enhanced and long-lasting retro-reflectivity on pavement markings on the world’s highways.

Independent Reflectivity Survey of DOT

in white markings
in yellow markings

initial minimum RL required

400 mcd/m²/lux

300 mcd/m²/lux

overall average

1318 mcd/m²/lux

805 mcd/m²/lux

percent above E1710



wet recovery readings

AW multi comp: RL required

300 mcd/m²/lux

225 mcd/m²/lux

overall average

941 mcd/m²/lux

609 mcd/m²/lux

percent above E-2177



Impressive Retroreflection

After applying the system of SWARCO DURALUX combined with SWARCO Road Marking Systems’ MFUA 10 plural component on a project for the Kansas DOT, independent reflectivity surveys were performed. These tests showed the initial dry reading for white markings yielded 1318 mcd/m²/lux. The yellow markings also achieved remarkable results of 805 mcd/m²/lux on dry markings in the field. Readings for wet recovery markings were exceptional as well, showcasing why SWARCO DURALUX is essential in wet-night retroreflectivity. The wet recovery reading on white markings yielded 941 mcd/m²/lux, while the yellow readings were markedly impressive as well at 609 mcd/m²/lux. These independent reflectivity surveys on actual projects in the United States substantiate SWARCO DURALUX Glass Beads performance.

SWARCO DURALUX reflective glass beads consistently yields impressive reflectivity results in independent testing.

Photo: SWARCO Road Marking Systems

Key Advantages

The outstanding results captured are due to the unique properties of the impressive SWARCO DURALUX reflective glass beads. Their special glass composition is what is key to achieving such results. Additionally, their long service life reduces remarking costs significantly. These properties are especially effective in combination with the many pavement marking binders SWARCO Road Marking Systems offer, increasing the markings’ durability on the road and lowering maintenance costs.

About SWARCO Road Marking Systems

Quality products and services from SWARCO Road Marking Systems guide traffic safely from A to B by day and, above all, by night. On all types of roads. Whatever the weather. From a single source. Over 5,000 customers in more than 80 countries place their trust in them.

For further information visit: www.swarco.com/rms