Drawing the Line: Making Roads Safer with Wider Markings
Understanding that over half of all traffic fatalities in the United States are attributable to roadway departures is crucial. When drivers struggle to discern the edge of their lanes and the alignment of the road ahead, the likelihood of veering off course increases significantly.
Implementing wider edge lines, expanding from the standard 4 inches to 6 inches, significantly enhances lane boundary visibility.

Advantages to Go Wide
Wider edge lines not only improve aesthetics but significantly enhance driver perception of lane boundaries, contributing to the safety of various road types, from freeways to two-lane highways. These improved markings are particularly effective on rural two-lane highways, where single-vehicle crashes are more prevalent. Agencies are advised to adopt a comprehensive approach to wider edge line installation, especially on roads with higher risk factors, such as narrow pavements and shoulders, curvy routes, busy traffic areas, and roads with a history of nighttime accidents.
Wider edge lines are economically viable. They can be implemented using existing equipment during regular maintenance activities, with the only additional cost being the extra material.

While paint offers a lower initial cost, more durable materials such as thermoplastic may provide a lower life cycle cost due to their extended service life.
With the rise of automated vehicles, wider edge lines can offer better guidance for vehicle sensors, aiding in the navigation of these advanced systems.

Making edge lines wider is a small change that brings big safety benefits. So next time you hit the road, take comfort in knowing those extra inches could make all the difference.
Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration FHWA-SA-21-055
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