Paints, Varnishes & Coatings

SWARCOFORCE glass filler beads as filling agents to optimize physical properties

Used as filling agents, SWARCO Indusfericas’ SWARCOFORCE glass filler beads enhance the physical properties of paints, varnishes and coatings. They can optimize gloss or matting, transparency, and many other desired effects. Thanks to their high refractive index, glass filler beads also improve scratch resistance, retroreflexion or heat reflection.

We shape the world of tomorrow – glass beads with a low CO2 footprint

Areas of Application

Laminate flooring


Wall paints



  • Improved fluidity

  • Higher abrasion resistance

  • Optimized scratch resistance

  • Enhanced surface gloss

  • Better light diffusion

Glass filler beads protect product surfaces

SWARCOFORCE glass filler beads can be used in a variety of ways in paints, varnishes and coatings. Thanks to their high hardness, they improve the scratch and abrasion resistance of product surfaces.

Glass filler beads improve material properties

Glass filler beads can be used to influence and improve the surface properties such as gloss level and feel of products. In addition, the flowability of various products can be adjusted by adding glass beads according to requirements.

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Andreas Krenmayr