Peek Traffic ImFlow
Adaptive Traffic Control

Efficiency and safety for all road users
Increasing urbanisation leads to congestion on the roads. This poses challenges in terms of accessibility, traffic flow, road safety and emissions. Road authorities are confronted with decision making to balance multiple objectives. At the same time, complexity is increasing as road users are increasingly connected and expect smooth and safe traffic flows. ImFlow has proven to be a robust and reliable solution for more than ten years. ImFlow is operational in more than forty cities in eight different countries and offers an innovative and future-proof solution. And more!
Peek Traffic ImFlow is our next generation Adaptive Traffic Controller, a system built on a tradition of innovation, safety, usability and robustness.
Policy objectives
The philosophy behind Peek Traffic ImFlow is to actually control traffic based on the traffic policies of the road authority. The policy objectives and traffic engineering preconditions form the basis for the control algorithm. Whether it concerns environmental policies, the flow of important routes, prioritization of target groups or safety of slow traffic; with ImFlow, the road manager has a modern instrument for steering and, if necessary, even adjusting in real time.
ImFlow is a full-fledged ITS Application incorporating connected road users. The generic traffic model projects the predicted traffic over time from which the optimal control for the network is calculated every second. This provides an extremely flexible control with the best possible performance.
Unique concept of 'promises'
Flexibility and predictability seem to be opposites. ImFlow shows that it can cooperate. Thanks to the unique concept of promises, ImFlow provides reliable, tailor-made speed advice to connected road users. Because the promises are issued based on the planning of the ImFlow optimization algorithm, the desired adaptivity is maintained. Road users who follow the advice pass the intersection with less braking and acceleration. A big win for the environment and increased comfortability for the road user.
ImFlow offers fully integrated priority functions that the road authority applies to the desired locations and phases. Some of these features are:
• Absolute priority for emergency vehicles
• Conditional priority and EcoDriving for target groups such as Public Transport and freight traffic
• Priority for groups of cyclists
• Extended green for pedestrians
Besides reducing emissions, prioritization also improves road safety because of a decreasing amount of conflict situations. In addition, there is hardly any impact on traffic flow due to the seamless integration in the optimization algorithm
Real-time information
ImFlow informs connected road users in real-time about the timings of upcoming phase changes and the status of any priority requests. Connected road users also receive reliable speed advice. This encourages drivers to adapt their driving behaviour, leading to a reduction in fuel consumption and emissions.
Transparant analytics
As well as logging traffic statistics, ImFlow offers real-time performance information. The analytics are interactively available and enable road authorities to quickly validate which decisions have been made by the algorithm. ImFlow helps road authorities to analyse traffic and adjust policy objectives.
With ImFlow, the road manager has a sustainable solution. ImFlow offers the options for minimising stops and delays, which leads to emission reductions. Priority for trucks or other target groups leads to a reduction in stops of up to 75% for the most polluting vehicles. Reliable speed recommendations for motorised traffic lead to less braking and acceleration, resulting in fuel savings. ImFlow continuously optimises the traffic without needing manual reconfiguration of equipment. In short, ImFlow is an extremely sustainable solution.

Deployment models
ImFlow is a software product with distributed processes per intersection. At the choice of the road authority, ImFlow is implemented locally in the cabinet or in a private Cloud environment. ImFlow is an open system and uses a TCP/IP network to exchange information between the various components. ImFlow is therefore independent of the manufacture of other elements in the chain. The optional ImFlow exchange runs in a hosting environment and is available to the user via a web page.
Interested in ImFlow?
Feel free to request a demo by using the below contact form.