OMNIA is SWARCO's modular smart mobility management suite.

OMNIA is the core component of the SWARCO Smart Mobility Concept. It enables smart cities to build and expand a modern mobility management system step by step.

Omnia Comes In Two Flavors,

To Best Suit Your Indvidual Needs.

On Premise

Customer System

For large cities / organizations with a well orgnized IT

For situations that require a high degree of customization

For installations that need to integrate many external systems

If you require a lot of IT maintenance

Cloud Solution

Software as a Service

For small to mid-size cities / organizations

For standardized  solutions

If you want to stay "always updated"

If you want to leave IT maintenance to us

All Systems In One User Interface

OMNIA Key Features

Alarms Management

Provides alarms distribution, manual alarms, work on site alarm acknowledgment and blocking, searchable database, and more.

Signal Groups Diagrams

Provides signal groups detectors and I/Os, ruler for time measurement, notes, searchable events, PDF export and different resolutions.

Intersection View

Provides intersection overview, real time information of signal groups, detectors and I/Os, shortcuts to traffic data and reports, bus priority indicators

User Activity Log

Keep track of changes made by users.

Traffic Data

Including counts/volumes/classification, aggregator and profiler. New with floating car data, including FCD analytics.

Air Quality

Integration of environmental data, including prognosis, and traffic control based on air quality.


Integration of CCTV control system with direct connection to IP and video detection cameras.

Automatic Incident Detection (AID)

Interface with AID solutions.

Strategy Manager

Management of events and traffic scenarios from different sources.

Embedded Plan Selection

Central Controls of plans stored in controller memory.

Bus Priority

With virtual detection.

VMS Control

Manual, semi-automatic, automatic.

City Dashboard

Analytics, reports and information management tool.