Job Rotation from Unterensingen to Wattens
Our guiding principle in three words: We are SWARCO!
Nice! But what does that actually mean? You'll never fully appreciate the big picture unless you get hands-on with it. So it was time for me to get a personal picture of it. Because as agile and flexible as SWARCO's modern mobility is, I want to be as agile and flexible as an employee.
In my annual Time4Feedback meeting with my supervisor, we decided together that a job rotation to the Swarco Group would be an ideal opportunity for me to get to know group-wide financial processes and the resulting downstream processes behind the monthly report / annual financial statements of individual subsidiaries.
Due to staff shortages in Group Accounting, the period from mid-February to mid-March was ideal for my exchange, as I was not only able to gain an insight into the consolidated financial statements of the Swarco Group, but also to actively participate in two monthly reports.
It was extremely interesting for me to get to know the group perspective, to get in touch with the subsidiaries worldwide and to exchange ideas with the colleagues on site.
But I didn't want to miss out on the weekends in beautiful Tyrol either. Fortunately, I had enough time to enjoy the impressive mountains around Wattens and, of course, to get to know the city life in Innsbruck to the fullest. And that, after all, is part of life.
For me, it's easy to draw a very positive conclusion from this job rotation program: it was a great opportunity to change perspectives and gain more experience in the Group. SWARCO's values are not just printed on blank paper. No, they really exist! Cooperation, passion and reliability. I now understand much better what people mean when they talk about the "SWARCO Spirit".
Thank you for that! And for my colleagues from the international SWARCO world: Take advantage of the opportunity of a job rotation as soon as it presents itself!