SWARCO Connect Challenge 2021 in Germany: 5,512,345 steps for those affected by the flood
The German SWARCO companies of the ITS Division hold a joint company run every year. Due to the Corona pandemic, this event could not take place in 2021. Instead, an active challenge was created, the "SWARCO Connect Challenge 2021".
In virtual, cross-site teams, the staff could not only run, but also convert many other activities into steps - for example yoga, horseback riding or gardening. For 30 days, the employees ran a virtual route and paid a digital visit to all German SWARCO sites. In the process, they got to know their colleagues from the local companies and also learned interesting facts about the sites and regions.
During the entire time, each participant was supposed to cover 225,000 steps, which corresponds to 7,500 steps per day. What sounded like a big hurdle at the beginning turned out to be not too difficult at all: even a walk during the lunch break, cycling to work or a round of stairs instead of taking the lift helped to reach the figures!
Thanks to the joint efforts of all participants, the goal set was even surpassed by far: A total of 5,512,345 steps were taken during the Challenge period. This corresponds to 341,903 steps per person or 11,397 steps per person and day - a great achievement that even exceeds the 10,000 steps that are generally recommended.
As last year, all steps taken were converted into donations. In line with the participants' wishes, SWARCO donated the total of 11,397€ to those affected by the flood in western Germany.