Leading European manufacturer of mobile LED Variable Message Signs with market share on all continents and a regional hub for turnkey SWARCO solutions in South East Europe.
SWARCO LEA also manufactures LED Public Information Displays and LED Parking Displays. SWARCO LEA products use cutting-edge technology with highest tier industrial grade components.
By becoming our partner you can expect:
- Innovation leadership in C-ITS: Thanks to our internal R&D department and trend setting development, we constantly evolve our technology, making our products ready for future integration with smart mobility;
- Higher reliability: By increasing the lifetime of the product and minimizing costly repairs, granting the safest investment for customers;
- Technically superior products: With signs that continuously perform at their best, even in the harshest environments;
- Partnership before and after sales: Our highly skilled sales and technician team excel in responsiveness and offer direct contact support throughout the extended product lifecycle.
Informazioni di contatto
Finžgarjeva ulica 1a
SLO-4248 Lesce, Slovenia
T.: +386-4-53 53 653
F .: +386-4-53 53 633
E.: office.lea@swarco.com
Numero di registro commerciale: 5444063000
Foro competente: Tribunale di contea di Kranj
Numero di partita IVA: SI 51902141