More Safety, More Fun

"Life is colourful. Just like a playground, schoolyard or road: our preformed markings brighten up everyday life and also help make it safer and more fun. "
Laurens Meurer, SWARCO Road Marking Systems
On Safe Ground
SWARCO Road Marking Systems’ comprehensive portfolio offers a variety of preformed markings, from traffic signs to playground and schoolyard markings or even bespoke logos and symbols. They can be used to create a maze in a playground, or a number snake in a schoolyard, or a logo on the approach to a company.
Our preformed markings are also extremely effective on roads. Placed directly in the driver's line of sight and featuring well-known icons and symbols, they reduce risk in potentially dangerous areas. This especially helps protect more vulnerable road users and children. The significant portion of glass beads makes the signs more reflective and visible – by day and by night, in wet conditions and in fog.
And there are so many more options too: You can choose from a host of different colours and shapes to recreate your ideas on the ground.
Life is Colourful and so is our Portfolio

Lines, arrows, pictograms, letters, numbers: Preformed markings keep traffic flowing by providing rapid, clear
directions. They increase safety levels and make driving easier for all road users.
Placing conventional traffic signs on the road as preformed markings puts them directly in the driver’s line of sight and makes them impossible to overlook. Reflective glass beads make them much more visible in all light and weather conditions.

From special symbols to customized logos: Preformed markings come in many different shapes and colours and are also eye-catching features away from the road. Put your unique mark on your town square, company site or property.

Learning, playing and having fun:
Bright preformed markings in schoolyards and playgrounds inspire children to interact with each other and let their imaginations soar.
Whatever you create – whether it's a letter maze, a number snake, a huge compass or rocket to the moon – it's guaranteed to make learning fun.

Available in different widths and colours, our SWARCO PREFORMED ECO Rolls* represent the cost-effective solution for smaller marking repair areas. They can be used for reinstatement of markings following utility works, small scale lining work such as car parks and double yellow areas and designing safe routes to school.
* The equivalent for SWARCO PREFORMED ECO Rolls for the US would be Preformed Thermoplastic Rolls, produced in the US.

With a fast and easy application and great resistance to discolouration, SWARCO PREFORMED ECO Sheets are the ideal choice when designing school playground markings, crossings and roundels.
We also offer SWARCO PREFORMED ECO Anti-Skid Sheets suitable for reinstatement following utility works and any decorative work that requires higher skid resistance.
* The equivalent for SWARCO PREFORMED ECO Sheets for the US would be Preformed Thermoplastic Sheets, produced in the US.
Application Preformed Thermoplastic